
My Deliverables
Web Redesign, Mobile app redesign, User research, interview
Moscow Analysis, Design System, Sitemap, User Flow
TopCashback is one of the biggest cashback websites, now with over 5 million members worldwide and was voted as the Industry's Choice Publisher in United Kingdom this big e-commerce player.


TopCashback is experiencing significant usability issues that negatively impact user experience. Firstly, the platform lacks clear reminders and updates, resulting in users feeling uncertain about the status of their earnings. Secondly, the information architecture and interface design are not intuitive, making it difficult for users to quickly locate desired information. This complexity leads to a time-consuming and frustrating experience.

Figma, Miro, Photoshop, illustration
Feb 2023 - April 2023
Solo Project
Case Study - Web & App Redesign
Smart Savings
Target user
People always look for smart ways to save money on their day-to-day shopping,
Challenge for user
lack of clear reminders, instruction and updates leave user feeling uneasy about where’s their hard-earned money.
Business goal
Make sure whole cashback process super simple so everyone can easily get on board.
White paper research
From Chaos to Clarity

Starting with white paper research, I began to read some articles about the cashback earning system. How could people don’t like the extra benefit without too much effort? In a digital world where money is on the line, building trust and establishing a loyal user base is important.

“ The key to winning user confidence lies in ensuring accessibility and transparency of information “
User research
Competitive analysis

While considering the above strategies, I analysed the 3 most popular Cashback websites. Armed with the powerful tools of Competitive analysis, SWOT, and " Feature & Usability analysis” to find out the potential possibilities in the gap.
Before proposed solution
Usability Testing

I conducted usability tests on key sections of each website — the login/sign-up page, account dashboard, and navigation bar & menu. This helped identify gaps and assess the pros and cons.
User research
Resolved Issues through
interviews & user reviews (400+)

After reviewing the customer feedback platform, I noted down the pain points mentioned by users. Each comment provided valuable insights, guiding me toward identifying core solutions to address these concerns.
Identify Key Insights
Kano Model: Prioritising Pain Points

Using the Kano model helps me pinpoint what really impacts customer satisfaction. It's a great tool for figuring out which features and parts of our service customers care about the most, so I can focus on improving those areas first.
Wireframe thinking process
From Low Fidelity to High Fidelity wireframe
Design decision
Sketching for efficient & simplified flow
1. Simplified Navigation: I streamlined the top dropdown menu for quicker, easier navigation.

2. Quick Brand Intro: Added a short introduction to TCB on the homepage to instantly build a positive brand image.

3. Boosted Daily Recommendations: Improved the display and positioning of daily recommendations to grab attention and enhance engagement.

4. Interactive Reviews Section: Made the review and rating section more interactive, encouraging users to leave feedback effortlessly.

5. Clear Cashback Instructions: Included straightforward guidance on how to earn cashback, making the process clear and accessible.

6. Promoted TCB Tools: Boosted visibility of the TCB plugin and app to encourage downloads and enhance user experience.

7. Easy Subscribe Option: Added a simple subscribe button to keep users informed and engaged with the latest updates.
Style guide
Design System

To ensure the components are implemented consistently across the site, I created a UI guide with details on colour palettes, typography, and reusable UI elements.

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